Friday, June 14, 2013

Been a While!!

Its been a while since I have been on this page! I decided it was time to get back into this whole blog concept.

So a little update on my life since 2011. Don't worry just the highlights of the last few years!

Well I successfully moved to Missouri and have been loving being around my family. We have a new addition to the family. My beautiful nephew that was born in September of 2012. His name is Chance. The little girl is my niece (my sister-n-law's sisters kid). Her name is Jillian.

I am a college graduate!! I have my Associates degree in Computer Animation. I am attending Full Sail University online. I am loving this school. I will be graduating with my Bachelors degree in Computer Animation in March. I have added some of my work from Full Sail to my Demo reel page (Go check it out). I am excited to get started in the industry. It is fast approaching.

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